Quantum Matter and Information
The first meeting in this series will be Oct. 16 – 19, 2025.
Westin La Paloma Resort, Tucson, Arizona
Lead Program Director
Administrative Contact
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
Theorists and experimentalists across a broad spectrum of disciplines are focusing their attention on entanglement and other fascinating quantum phenomena as they push the frontiers of knowledge in new and exciting ways. Contemporary quantum science offers the promise of transformational technologies, but to advance breakthroughs in novel quantum materials, precision measurement, sensing, and quantum information, many basic challenges remain to be addressed. A deeper understanding of quantum coherence, entanglement, and the transition from quantum to classical behaviors is essential for progress in quantum theory, simulations, and experimental design. This Scialog seeks to promote broader interactions among different sectors of the quantum science community and will facilitate connections among early career researchers from a wide cross section of academic disciplines. Scientists from physics, chemistry, materials science, surface science, applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and related fields will be brought together to develop new methodologies and help enhance our understanding of the quantum world with an interdisciplinary perspective.
Approximately 10 senior scientists will serve as Facilitators to frame the large questions under consideration, guide discussions, and evaluate proposals.
Approximately 50 early career faculty will be invited to participate as Fellows, with early career spanning the time from the first year on the faculty through recently post-tenure.
- To nominate yourself: Submit a Scialog Fellow Application here. Log in or create a new account, then go to My Applications and start a New Application. Use the “Scialog Fellow Application – 2025” application.
- To nominate another early career scientist: Contact the program director or ask your colleague to self-nominate using the steps above.