Use of our archives is at RCSA’s discretion, and we reserve the right to deny or limit access if it compromises the collection or interferes with RCSA operations.
Visiting our archives:
Appointments may be made during regular office hours, which are generally 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
Visitors must follow RCSA’s current policies regarding prevention of contagious illness in the workplace.
Materials will be viewed on RCSA’s premises and may not be removed.
You may use RCSA’s photocopier free of charge.
You may bring your laptop, tablet or phone and take research images (not for publication) without flash or additional lighting and/or equipment.
We ask you to help us maintain the accessibility of our archives by viewing one folder at a time and keeping all documents in order.
We ask that you help us preserve the condition of our archives by handling with care. This includes refraining from:
-- eating or drinking while handling materials
-- adding or erasing marks, or writing on documents
-- adding sticky notes or tags
-- removing documents from protective coverings
-- bending, folding or manipulating materials to get a better image
Acknowledgement and use:
Access to our materials does not imply permission to publish.
RCSA requests citations if our materials are used, displayed or published.
RCSA does not claim to control all rights to materials in our archive. You assume responsibility for determining whether any materials you may use for teaching, scholarship or publication are protected under U.S. Copyright law or fair use, and for securing whatever rights are needed.