
APS Recognizes Great Physicists with Ties to Research Corporation

Members of the RCSA community fared well in prizes at the 2012 American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Boston. A prize from the APS is one of the highest honors a physicist can receive; it is evidence of the recognition of his or her peers, and demonstrates the recipient’s accomplishments and contributions are judged exceptional by colleagues, according to the APS. Among this year’s winners and awardees: RCSA Cottrell Scholar (1999-04) and Research Innovation Awardee (1997-03) Dmitri Basov, University of California, San Diego, was awarded the 2012 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids. APS officials cited his “innovative and insightful use of spectroscopy to prove correlated electron systems.” RCSA Research Innovation Awardee (1999-03) Andrei Tokmakoff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, received the 2012 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics. He was cited for his “pioneering work in the development and application of two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy.” RCSA Cottrell College Science Awardee (2001-05) David Sumner Hall, Amherst College, was presented the 2012 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution – an award sponsored by RCSA. Hall received the award for “his groundbreaking experimental investigations of Bose-Einstein condensates and the dynamics of quantum vortices and for his enthusiastic inclusion of undergraduates in his research.”

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