
Jay Labov, National Academy Expert, Looks at P-20 STEM Education in AZ

Jay Labov, Ph.D., Senior Advisor for Education and Communication, National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council, recently spent a very full day with Research Corporation for Science Advancement science officers and guests. His long and varied experience in improving STEM education at multiple levels across the U.S. is an invaluable resource. He provided consultation on the development of an Arizona Leadership Convocation for engaging a diverse group of leaders in support of improving P- 20 STEM education in the state. This Convocation will occur in the winter of 2010. Labov also spent a late afternoon discussing the history and future potential of RCSA Cottrell Scholars program. He has provided leadership in the development and implementation of the National Academies Summer Institutes on Undergraduate Education in Biology, initiated following the publication of Biology 2010 in 2003. We believe this is the beginning of a very interesting ongoing conversation - one that we will be bringing to our Cottrell Scholar community for further discussion.

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