
In Memoriam: 2015 Cottrell Scholar Jeffery Byers

Research Corporation for Science Advancement mourns the loss of 2015 Cottrell Scholar Jeffery Byers, chemistry, Boston College, who died on August 18, 2023. Byers was an active member of the Cottrell Scholar community, a member of the 2021 Cottrell Scholar Collaborative project Cottrell Scholar Collaborative as Bridge for National DEI Efforts, a co-leader of the 2015 National Collegiate Scholastic Association, a Cottrell Scholars Collaborative project, and a contributor to Educational and Outreach Projects from the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative: Professional Development and Outreach, an ACS Symposium book. 

Byers’ original Cottrell Scholar research plan described the use of redox switchable iron catalysts for the synthesis of biodegradable polymers with improved mechanical properties. His educational plan involved the development of a smart tablet application to aid students with spatial recognition skills. 

“Jeff’s engagement with the Cottrell Scholar community and his passion for research and teaching will be missed,” said RCSA Senior Program Director Silvia Ronco. 

Jeffery Byers Obituary

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