RCSA’s Catalytic Funding Builds Science Careers
In 1977 Research Corporation for Science Advancement provided $200,000 to Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA, to endow the Rachel Brown Scholarship as a catalyst for improving America's scientific workforce. Early this year, the college announced the latest two recipients of that scholarship, Xiaowen Wang, a senior chemistry and biology major from China, and Yemsratch Akalu, a junior biochemistry major from Ethiopia. Wang is currently undertaking a senior thesis project in biochemistry, studying the fine structure of E. coli RNA polymerase and how it binds to DNA during the transcription process. Her other research interests include stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Akalu has been conducting independent research in immunology, most recently looking at how signaling carried out through cytotoxic T-lympocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) affects the early development of Murine-AIDS. Last year, she conducted laboratory research related to gene therapy for cystic fibrosis. "The Rachel Brown Scholarship is a small but important example of how RCSA and other independent foundations are catalysts for the betterment of science and our scientific workforce," says RCSA President and CEO James M. Gentile. "It is vitally important that more women be encouraged to take up scientific careers." Mount Holyoke is one of the nation's premier research and liberal arts colleges for women.