Board of Directors

Eugene Flood, Jr., Ph.D.

Eugene Flood, Jr., Ph.D.

Immediate Past Board Chair

Managing Partner of A Cappella Partners. Independent Director, Janus Capital Group. Chairman, advisory board for the University of North Carolina Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases. RCSA Treasurer. Member of the Finance (Chair), Executive, and Governance & Nominating committees.

Eugene Flood is a highly accomplished executive-level business leader and expert in investment management, global macroeconomics and how finance informs business strategy. He consults regularly with leaders of large financial firms who are actively seeking new sources of strategic thought and ways to build better business models in a post-new normal environment. Flood also advises on issues such as globalization and business expansion with investment company executives, institutional investment limited partners, as well as the c-suite executives running investment funds’ portfolio companies. Flood currently serves as the managing partner of ACappella Partners (2013 to present), a family office that centers business, for-profit and not-for-profit board activity, community service and philanthropic efforts. Flood was recently named to the Janus Capital Group board of directors (January 2014) and also serves as chairman of an advisory board (2013 to present) for the University of North Carolina Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases (IGHID), a world-renowned center focused on stopping the transmission of AIDS and infectious diseases as well as other health issues. Flood worked as an executive vice president and member of the executive team at TIAA-CREF (2011 to 2012) where he also served as a member of the Fortune 100 firm’s board of trustees (2004 to 2011). Prior to joining TIAA-CREF, Flood served as president and CEO of Smith Breeden Associates, a Durham, N.C.‐based asset management firm (2000 to 2012). He also formerly worked at Morgan Stanley, New York, where his thinking and work contributed to some of the first quantitative finance systems used on Wall Street (1987-1999). Flood has managed large businesses and overseen investment strategies during two of the largest crisis periods in recent history: The stock market crash in 1987 and financial crisis in 2007-2008. An Ivy League trained economist, Flood holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He taught earlier in his career at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business where he also served as a faculty member (1982-1987). Flood earned a bachelor of arts degree in economics at Harvard University. Flood is an active public speaker and has appeared regularly on CNBC and CNN to provide expert guest commentary on economic issues. He also has contributed commentary to the Wall Street Journal and Fortune. Flood’s presentations have included keynote speeches for the following organizations: • Association for Investment Management & Research (AIMR), Annual Fixed Income Conference • Securities Analyst Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan • China Banking and Regulatory Commission Annual Conference, Shanghai, China • Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland • Islamic Finance Conference and Global Finance Forums, Kuala Lumpur-based Bank Negara Malaysia When he’s not addressing economic issues, Flood likes to develop compositions of gospel music to support work with churches that he and his wife, Paula, support. Their most recently completed work, “…and His Name shall be called Wonderful…” was released in 2013. Gene and Paula reside in Chapel Hill, N.C.