
RCSA Announces 2013 Multiple Investigator Cottrell College Science Awards

Tucson, AZ (May 31, 2013) – Four teams of scholars have been awarded Multiple Investigator awards through Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s Cottrell College Science Awards. The MI-CCSA program is designed to start sustainable, collaborative programs of research by cross-disciplinary teams of faculty from science departments in primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs).The latest awardees are: Jefferson Knight and Hai Lin, chemistry, University of Colorado Denver, Hydrophobic and Electrostatic Driving Forces for Protein-Membrane Docking: An Experimental and Computational Approach Jodi L. O’Donnell and Lucas Tucker, chemistry, Siena College, Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins and their Efficacy as VOC Sensors Alison E. Holliday, chemistry, and Amy Vollmer, biology, Swarthmore College, Chiral Biodegradation of Pesticide Eugene Y. Wu, biology, and Michelle Hamm, chemistry, University of Richmond, Structural Investigations of DNA Replication of Analogues of the Mutagenic Nucleotide, 8-oxo-2´-deoxyguanosine In addition to funding research that builds teams of students and faculty, the Multi-Investigator promotes basic research as a vital component of undergraduate education at the nation’s public and private small colleges and universities. During the past 15 years, the Cottrell College Science Awards, which are carefully reviewed by a panel of top scientists, have supported the research work of more than 1,500 early career scientists in 400 institutions. “We hope these awards will help early career faculty to establish long-term, sustainable and productive cross-disciplinary research programs,” said RCSA Interim President Jack Pladziewicz. “We also hope that by encouraging student participation in these projects, many undergraduates will be encouraged to pursue careers in science and benefit by working as part of an interdisciplinary research team.”

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